87 TY students from Coláiste Muire took part in an annual initiative run by Conradh na Gaeilge on Tuesday 17th Nov, where they endeavoured to speak Irish for 24 hours. This event is run in conjunction with Gaelbhratach where schools across the country do various activities through the medium of Irish in order to promote Gaeilge amongst the school body. The students in Coláiste Muire achieved this flag over two years ago and continue in their efforts to maintain and foster the language throughout the school and beyond.
It has been more difficult of late however with restrictions and social distancing which precludes students from doing céilí dancing or social clubs for example at lunch time through Irish. The committee, made up of 6 students in Coláiste ( there are well over a 100 members in total) came up with the idea this year of a siúlóid to the beautiful Lee’s Road Amenity Park situated about a half hour walk from the school. Teachers accompanied the students en route and conversed and promoted the mini Gaeltacht trip. “ Gioraíonn beirt bóthar”, that is, two shorten a road and with the many stories and memories shared on the walk to and from Lees Road and throughout the day – this initiative certainly was wellbeing or “folláine” in action!
Buíochas le MúinteoirJudy Casey, an coiste Gaelbhratach agus gach éinne a chabraigh leis an lá iontach seo.