Technology Suite
The subject Technology was first introduced into the Junior cycle curriculum in 1989 on a pilot basis. Coláiste Muire was one of the schools chosen by the Department of Education and Science to pilot the programme. The subject progressed to Leaving Certificate level in 2007 and again Colaiste Muire was chosen to be one of the pilot schools.
Leaving Certificate Technology is currently the fastest growing subject at Leaving Certificate.
Technology is a practical subject. Students are active participants in the learning environment and learn through design, problem solving, manufacturing and reflection. There are five main subject topics on the Technology Curriculum – Design & Communication, Materials Technology, Structures & Mechanisms, Electronics & Control and Technology and Society. The examination at both Junior Certificate and Leaving Certificate consists of a project which is accounts for 50% of the marks and a written paper (50%).
In 2004 a Technology suite was constructed on the school grounds. The suite contains two Technology rooms, a preparation room and a materials/project store room. Students work with a wide variety of materials including a range of woods, plastics, metals, electronic and mechanical components. The equipment in the Technology suite include a CNC laser cutter, a CNC router, a CNC vinyl cutter, laptop computers, vacuum formers, pillar drills, scroll saw, sanders, soldering irons, portable power tools and hand tools.
The technology teachers & students in Colaiste Muire are currently testing a prototype of a proposed new Technology workstation for the Department of Education &Science building unit. The workstation allows students to design, manufacture, solder and work on a computer at the one station. The workstations are equipped with 110v and 220v ac power supplies as well as low voltage dc power supply.
Technology is an optional subject at both junior cycle and leaving certificate. All students who participate in the transition year programme study a 10 week module in Technology.
Students who study Technology to Leaving Certificate may choose to follow a career path in some of the following areas: Product Design, Engineering, Technology Teaching, Software Design, Animation, Renewable Energy Studies and Environmental Studies.