Help needed for Computer Club
Colaiste Muire ran a pilot programme of Coderdojo programming on Wednesday afternoons form Oct 2015 to Jan 2016 . The sessions were run by Dave Ewing, the Training Manager of Sensor Pro, a software company in Limerick who kindly sponsored the initiative.
The company designed a set of programming lessons to introduce and teach the essentials of programming to a group of six teachers and Transition Year students .
It is hoped that these students will become mentors for other students.
Chris Byrne , CEO of SensorPro is involved with Dingle Coderdojo , a vibrant group who have taught ‘ Scratch’ and Coderdojo to children as young as five .
Programming is a language skill , and children can become expert in a very short time.
Programming is a component of the many third level STEM related areas that Colaiste students choose when leaving school and having programming experience offers wider career options.
To continue with the initiative in school it would be essential to have the support and input of adults from outside the school who have programming skills and who could develop structured sessions suitable for the school group.
The session could run on Wednesday afternoons from 3. 30 to 4. 30 or any lunchtime
For details contact credington@colaistemuire.ie