The John Paul II Awards is dedicated to the memory of the late Pope John Paul II who was so committed to young people and who had such belief and …

Environment Committee of Coláiste Muire The aim of our committee is to make students, staff and the wider community aware of how their lifestyle choices affect the environment and to ensure …

The orchestra rehearsal takes place on Thursday 12.45pm to 1.20pm. Orchestra is open to ALL students. Classical music experience is not necessary. Many of our traditional students are in the orchestra. …

Coláiste Muire School Choir (Conductor: Carmel Griffin) Music is at the heart of extra-curricular activity in Coláiste Muire. The School Choir is one of many school activities which include the First Year …

Coláiste Muire is a Fair Trade school. Each year prior to Christmas the Fair Trade shop is open at lunchtime and run by Transition Year students. The local Fair Trade …

Our Grúpa Ceoil is a Traditional Irish Music group which meets once a week during lunchtime. Most of the members are junior students and it is particularly popular with first …

An October weekend in London has become a much loved school tour for Leaving Certs with planning getting underway in fourth year after Christmas! The group stay in a central hotel …

Mission Week is a week of interesting and creative activities which heighten awareness of world justice issues and raises funds for Mercy College, Nguutani, Kenya with which Coláiste Muire has …