Junior Cycle
Junior Cycle Explained
The new Junior Cycle involves some changes to assessment.
Junior Cycle Programme
Junior Cycle is a three-year programme. Students study ten subjects for their JCPA. English, Irish and Maths can be taken at higher or ordinary level. All other subjects are offered at common level only.
Core Subjects:
Irish, English, Mathematics, French or German, History, Geography, Religious Education, Science, Business Studies.
Optional Subjects (Select One)
2nd language, Technology, Technical Graphics, Visual Art, Home Economics, Music.
Non-Examination Subjects:
Wellbeing, Physical Education, CSPE, SPHE
VSware Reports
Explanation of the features of Quality in English, Science and Business to assist parents to interpret their daughter’s VSware report.
Coláiste Muire Junior Cycle Padlet – Important Information & Dates